Ad Te Levavi (First Sunday in Advent)

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In the Christ’s Church we often speak of the three “comings” of our Lord – His coming in humility, His coming in the Sacrament, and His future coming in glory.  These are not three disparate comings but all flow together.  This week’s appointed readings focus our attention on the first humble coming of our Savior in the flesh, not to amass power or a kingdom for Himself but to suffer and die for the sins of the world.  Because of that coming we gather each week where our Savior comes now veiled under bread and wine to bring us the salvation of His cross and to sustain us in this life as we await His coming again in glory when He will judge the living and the dead.  This Lord’s Day again your Lord comes to you and for you to forgive you your sins and strengthen you against temptation.  Let us then come to meet Him who comes to save us.  I look forward to seeing all you on Sunday. 

Pastor Ulmer