Divine Service Live Stream

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On Thursday evening, the mayor of Wylie enacted a state of disaster for Wylie which directs us to all avoid gatherings of 10 people or more.  In order to follow that directive, Faith – Wylie will conduct the Divine Service in the following manner.  At 9:30am on Sunday, everyone is invited to watch the celebration of the Divine Service streamed on Facebook and YouTube.  There will be a few people in attendance (Pastor, elders, organist) but we ask that everyone else remain at home or watch the streaming service from their car in the church parking lot.  At the conclusion of the service, members who participated online are invited to come to the front doors of the church where Pastor will be outside (in the narthex in the event of inclement weather) to commune each family separately.  The Words of Institution will be spoken again over unconsecrated elements for each household.  After receiving Holy Communion, the household will receive the dismissal and the benediction and then return to their vehicle and the next family will be invited to come and stand with the pastor and receive Holy Communion.  Between each family, new elements will be prepared, the vessels will be thoroughly cleaned, and Pastor will clean his hands.  

To help ensure that we don’t miss anyone, please respond to this message via Facebook or email or send a text to Pastor’s cell (which can be found in the church directory) with your name and the number of communicants.  The sooner everyone responds the more accurately the Altar Guild can prepare for Holy Communion.  There will be a box available at the church for your offerings.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor.

The links to the church Facebook and YouTube are:

