Festival of The Visitation

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To the one looking for God’s kingdom of mercy and righteousness, the coming of the Savior, even when He was still in the womb of His mother, Mary, is a joyous occasion beyond description. Where the Savior is, there is life and salvation for the unborn (John the Baptist) and the elderly (his mother Elizabeth). Both are filled with joy for He who would die for them and forgive them their sins, long ago promised by God, had finally come! And not only did He come but He humbled Himself to come to them, indeed, to stand mere feet from them, to be with them. What greater cause of joy could there be? That same joy is still ours today because Jesus, our Savior, still comes to be with us. He speaks with us. He hears our prayers. He forgives our sins. He gives His very Body and Blood to us as food that we are no longer just near to Him but He in us and we in Him, joined to Him in an inseparable and eternal union. What joy is ours to gather where our Savior us and to be with Him! Let us rejoice and sing praises to Him for He has had mercy upon us. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer