Festival of Transfiguration

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The apostle Peter, who was with our Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration, writes ‘We have a more sure prophetic word.’  We do not need signs and miracles.  We have the Word of God Almighty that reveals in full everything needed for salvation.  Looking for something more is to doubt what God has spoken.  It is to call Him a liar.  Hearing and reading the Scriptures, you have the inerrant and infallible instructions and promises of God so that there is no confusion, no misunderstanding.  We can be certain about our doctrine because it is from God.  We may think we need more.   We may believe that if we had something happen before our own eyes our faith would be stronger.  It wouldn’t because those events fade away.  Think of the Israelites who crossed the Red Sea.  It wasn’t long before they were grumbling about food and bowing down before a golden calf.  But the Word of God never changes and never fades away.  It endures forever which means all that God has promised you will be done.  I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow as we gather to hear the life-giving Word of God our Father so that our faith may be strengthened and we may be an encouragement to one another.
