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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

March 8th. That was the last Sunday we all were able to gather together as a congregation. At
the time this letter was written it had been eleven weeks since the church doors were closed
and we could only meet online. Twenty-one services. Holy Week and Easter. It has been hard
not being together as Christ’s people. It has been hard watching the number of deaths rise on
television. It has been hard watching this pandemic turn people against one another. It has
been hard watching fear mount up like a tidal wave and wash over the world. It has been hard
being told where you can go and when you can go there. It has been hard rearranging
everything so that everything is happening at home – family life, school, and work. It has been
hard for many who haven’t even been able to leave their rooms. COVID 19 isn’t the only
danger right now. The rates of depression, loneliness, abuse, suicide, and alcoholism have
also been rising. Is there anything good to talk about?

Yes! Christ Jesus and the hope that He alone can give. His empty tomb is still empty
promising life and light in the midst of all this darkness. This pandemic is only for a time just as
any other affliction or sorrow or trial. None of these things endure forever. They will have their
end. On the day that the Lord Jesus, who ascended into heaven on a cloud, returns in the
same way every fruit and consequence of sin, including death itself, will be put away from
God’s people forever. These days that seem so endless and unbearable will become nothing
more than a faint memory as we stand in the full glory of Christ, on the threshold of eternity.
On that day, the dead will be raised and God’s children will receive their promised inheritance
in full. That is still true. It will always be true, regardless of what new diseases or new conflicts
sweep the globe.

These past few months have hopefully been a good reminder of the immeasurable treasure
that we have in Christ – victory over both physical and eternal death! In the face of fear, these
are the only sources of comfort. We are promised that these afflictions will not last forever.
Only the Word and promises of Christ will. That is why it has been so hard to be away from
church. We want to be in the presence of Christ so that our terrified hearts might be soothed
by the voice of the shepherd, so that our hands might be strengthened for the difficult days
ahead, so that we might feast on the life-giving food of Christ’s Body and Blood. It is precisely
because of the broken, dying nature of this world that our Lord took on human flesh and
redeemed us.

Maybe they will find good treatments. Maybe there will be a vaccine. Maybe the curve and the
severity will begin lessen. But these are uncertainties which we dare not set our hearts on.
There is something absolutely sure. Let your hearts rest upon Christ who has brought true life
and immortality to light through the Gospel. When your eyes are fixed upon the Lord of Life,
you will see that you have no need to fear or worry though the earth gives way and the
mountains fall into the heart of sea. You are secure, standing upon the rock of Christ, the Lord
of heaven and earth who will carry His children in safety in His pierced hands through all
manner of turbulence.

Praise God who has looked upon us in mercy and enabled us to begin to open the doors of
God’s house again! It has been wonderful these past few weeks to be with you again,
continuing our Easter celebration, receiving the life and peace of Christ, and raising our voices
with loud shouts of praise and thanksgiving. May our Lord continue to keep you, especially if
you cannot yet join us at church. Let us pray fervently that God would bring this pestilence to
an end so that our Father’s house may be filled to overflowing with His dear children.

Pastor Ulmer