Independence Update

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The COVID 19 pandemic has certainly been holding all of our attention pretty securely. But before all this began we had been in the process of becoming an independent congregation. Although our pace slowed down a bit as we sought to deal with all the new restrictions and still offer the gifts of Christ, we are still moving forward. The Constitution and Bylaws are headed to the District Constitution Committee and the District Board of Directors for approval and we are finalizing details on securing a loan with LCEF. Once those things have been completed the only step remaining will be to pick a Sunday on which we all sign the Constitution and Bylaws and are officially recognized as Faith Lutheran Church, an independent congregation during a special service. Of course, we are going to have to be able to meet in groups larger than ten!

It really is quite remarkable how our Lord has continued to preserve and bless Faith in Wylie. But we shouldn’t be too surprised. The Lord promises to be with His Church and bless the faithful preaching of His Word. And that is and must always remain the true foundation of this congregation – the eternal Word of God. Anything else would be sinking sand and would mean certain ruin. Nothing else gives the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Nothing else can stand against the gates and hordes of hell that relentlessly crash against us. Nothing else can give us peace and hope in the midst of this falling, hurting, broken, dying world. But the Word of God is a brilliant lamp of truth, lighting the way to Christ and the home of our heavenly Father, and defending us against all our enemies. It is this Word that has led us these past 18 years as a daughter congregation of Faith in Plano. And the same Word will lead us as we step out on our own. Our continued relationship with Plano has been a tremendous blessing in many ways for which we will always give thanks to God. And, Lord willing, that continued close relationship will remain strong for many years to come as together we continue to preach with one voice the Gospel of Christ in our communities.

That is not to say that becoming independent will not come with challenges. It most certainly will. As surely as Satan hates anywhere that the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed in the name of Jesus, he hates this congregation and will do all that he can from within and without to undermine and deter us. We must constantly pray to our heavenly Father to send His Holy Spirit to aid us so that we do not fall to the ancient enemy’s traps. He is cunning but he cannot stand against Christ.

These are exciting times to be sure! And I am supremely thankful and eager to make this transition together. There is wonderful opportunity for the Word of God to reach into the hurt and pain of our own community and bring hope and peace, particularly in these days when our confidence in so many things has been shaken. Let us continue to move forward together as the people of God with our Lord going before and following after us, leading and protecting by His Word and the precious Means of Grace.