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It was the will of the Holy Spirit and so it was the will of the Father and the will of your Savior to be driven out in the wilderness to fast and to suffer the terrible temptations of the devil. He did this for you. He denied his flesh and trusted the will of His Father because we have grumbled and complained when we were denied the slightest convenience. Our trust has so often wavered when we have not been given exactly what we wanted or when we have been called upon to endure times of suffering. We have accused God of failing to care for us and provide what is needed. That is why our Lord and brother, Jesus Christ, left the Jordan and went to face down temptation; so that He could succeed on our behalf and die for our failure. In the midst of your time in this wilderness, come now to your Father’s house where He feeds you with abundance in the life and salvation that will bring you safely through to the Promised Land.

Pastor Ulmer