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In this fifth week of Lent we see demons enter back into the conversation. On the Third Sunday of Lent we saw the Pharisees accusing Jesus of being in league with the demons. Today, Jesus turns the tables and shows that it is, in fact, the Jewish leaders who were doing the will of the devil by resisting Jesus and rejecting His preaching. It is demonic to deny Christ. It is demonic to deny the mercy of God. Certainly the Pharisees put on a good show of being spiritual. But being spiritual apart from the true worship of God, receiving His mercy in Christ, is idolatry. It’s neither spiritual nor religious. It is the great joy of the Christian to see and live in the day in which salvation has been accomplished. This is the eternal day of Jesus in which death and the devil have been defeated. This is the day that the Lord has made through His death and resurrection. God has provided the Lamb to atone for your sin. You will not die but live with father Abraham and all who have believed in Jesus. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer