Last Sunday of the Church Year

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In these last days in which we live, it is easy to give up the watch waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to return. It is easy to become complacent and assume that He will be delayed and so we can stop being so vigilant in our watch and in our turning from temptation. And, the truth is that we have closed our eyes at times. We have let the flame of faith flicker by carrying out the sinful desires of our flesh and listening to those who try to teach another Gospel. But we do so only at our great peril. The five foolish virgins had faith at the start and waited eagerly for the bridegroom. But they were not prepared for the wait. They didn’t arm themselves with the extra oil of God’s Word so that faith could be trimmed and kept bright. Thus when the time came they were found without faith and were left out of wedding banquet, out of heaven. The five wise virgins did fall asleep. They did fall into sin. But they tied themselves to the Word of God. They read and heard His Word daily and meditated upon it so that they might always be ready. They kept their lamps filled with the oil of Christ’s forgiveness, repenting of their sin and clinging in hope to God’s mercy in Christ Jesus. Thus they were granted entrance into the eternal kingdom. They expected that the bridegroom might be delayed and so they prepared themselves. They kept their lamps filled with oil. They trusted only in the mercy of Christ so were granted an entrance into the wedding hall. God grant that we are not found by Christ to be without faith, without the precious Means of Grace. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day that we may gather together to be filled again with faith for our time of waiting for the return of our Blessed Lord.

Pastor Ulmer