Ninth Sunday after Trinity

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What are stewards charged with? They are charged with the management and care of someone else’s things. That means that the steward is to use those things according to the will of the true owner. The steward is not free to use the owner’s possessions however he so chooses. Rather he is obligated to seek to accomplish the purposes of the master. In Christ, we have been given all things – forgiveness, life, and salvation. We have been given the sure and certain promise of the constant love and provision of God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth. All of these things are gifts to us from our bodies to our possessions, to our salvation. These are not personal possessions. We are not free to use anything according to our changing whims. These all belong to God and we are to use all of them for His glory and His purpose – the salvation of the world. Let us rejoice in the great and abundant gifts of God and pray for the grace to use them all as He would have them used. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer