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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

We pray this letter finds you and your family well and safe.  These are indeed strange and trying times that we find ourselves in.  And while there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding us, let us together rest in that which is eternally certain – the love and mercy of our heavenly Father who rules over and guides all things in heaven and on earth (including viruses), the promises of our Baptism, the forgiveness of all of our sins through the Blood of Jesus, and our Father’s daily promise to hear our prayers and provide us with the daily bread we need.  May He graciously grant that even, and especially, now that His Name be kept holy among us, His kingdom come, and His good and gracious will be done among us.

Hopefully you have seen already our attempts to continue to proclaim Christ’s Word and administer the sacraments safely, following the government’s requests.  We will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as are necessary.  As a parish we will work together to look out for one another and care for one another.  We will do everything we can to make sure that the Gospel of Christ reaches out to dispel the fear and uncertainty that have overtaken the world.

Several questions have arisen about how to continue giving offerings to make sure that happens.  The Wylie Board is working on establishing a means for online giving and as soon as that is up and running we will notify the congregation.  In the meantime, you can utilize your bank’s bill pay option to have an electronic check generated and mailed to the church.  There will also be an offering plate set in the narthex for those who do come to the Divine Services that are being offered.  You can just drop your offering there without touching the plate.

These are extraordinary times and if you have been economically impacted and need help, please let your brothers and sisters in Christ know.  We want to be able help one another as the apostle Paul urges in his epistle to the Galatians, writing “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)  Do not be afraid.  Your heavenly Father knows you need these things and will provide.  It is our great joy to help bear one another’s burdens even as Christ has borne ours.  

The needs of the Church remain just as the needs of your own household endure.  Mortgages and utilities need to be paid.  Our organist and pastor still need to receive their daily bread.  All this so that the Gospel can continue to be proclaimed in order that faith may continue to be born and strengthened.  Times such as these are acute reminders of the world’s desperate need for the good news of Jesus victory over sin, sickness, and death.  As we sing in A Mighty Fortress Is Our God “And take they our life, goods, fame, child, and wife, though these all be gone, our vict’ry has been won; the kingdom ours remaineth.”  

Let us pray.  Lord Jesus Christ, by Your glorious death and resurrection, You have overcome every evil plan and purpose of the devil who seeks to harm us and tear our faith away from You.  We commend ourselves into Your merciful keeping and cry out to You in this, our time of need.  Hear our prayer and deliver us from the ravages of this virus that is sweeping across the globe.  Grant healing to the sick, comfort to the dying and mourning, and aid to those whose job it is to care for the sick.  Protect our neighbors and provide for them.  Stir us up to help in every way that we are able.  Let our hearts not be overcome by fear and despair.  Send Your Holy Spirit so that even in the midst of such things, we might lift up our heads, rejoice in Your goodness and mercy, and rest in Your sure promises to deliver us from all evil.  Amen. 

The peace of Christ be with you always,

The Board and Elders of Faith

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