Palmarum (Palm Sunday) 2022

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“Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”  These are the cries of the throngs who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem as His earthly ministry came to a close and he approached the City of Peace to lay down His life for sinners.  What joy and exuberance!  Such shouting and celebrating without even fully understanding all that was about to take place.  It was as though they were urging their great warrior on to battle.  And that is exactly what the Son of David had come to do – to crush Satan’s kingdom.  But only through His death could this King be triumphant.  Victory meant the cross.  This coming Sunday we are brought right into the midst of these two contrasting events.  First, we continue the celebration of the multitudes by taking up our palm branches and waving them in victory.  Only now, we don’t urge Jesus on.  We are urging ourselves on as we draw within mere days of Good Friday when our Almighty and Divine King will be nailed to the tree to die as an enemy and traitor.  Let us pick up our palm branches and hasten with joy to the cross where that precious victory is won at long last and we are set free from the devil’s kingdom of tyranny and death.  Let us take up the Holy Scriptures daily and with great eagerness as we remember all that our Lord has borne for our sakes.  I look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday.

Pastor Ulmer