Second Sunday after Trinity

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The wisest among us are total fools.  That is, they reject their own wisdom and strength, they reject all that the world praises as good and important, and instead they humble themselves before the Crucified Jesus, the Son of God, who laid down His life for sinners.  They refuse to chase after what the world insists is necessary for a good and happy life and instead give their heart and soul to the pursuit of the things of righteousness – the pure Word of God, the daily refreshment of the promises of their baptism, and the food of everlasting life – the Holy Supper of Christ’s Body and Blood.  The wise man is not impressed by shows of strength or piety nor is he led astray by the smooth talk and slick lies of the devil.  Instead, his eyes are constantly forward, looking to that day when Christ returns and the fires of truth burn up all that this world treasures and praises.  The wise man is not offended by the foolishness of the Gospel.  Rather he stands in awe of the God who stepped down from heaven to redeem him from everlasting judgment.  God grant us true wisdom that our constant hunger may be for the righteousness which God has hidden under great weakness and foolishness.  

Pastor Ulmer