Second Sunday in Advent

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Signs of the times.  Do we understand them?  Are we afraid of them?  Wars and rumors of wars.  Diseases ravaging mankind.  Famine.  Earthquakes.  Hurricanes.  False teachers on every corner and their false teaching spreading like wildfire.  Brothers and sisters in Christ falling from the faith.  Children being swept up in the secular humanism and atheism of the day.  The Day is surely drawing near.  Of course we don’t and can’t know the exact day but Christ certainly seems to be approaching the gates.  Are you afraid?  Are you worried about that day?  Are you uncertain what that day holds for you?  Repent.  Christ has already told you what will be said of His children, those who cling to Him in faith – “Come, you who are blessed by My Father.  Inherit the kingdom prepared for you.”  It is unbelief that doubts that promise and still dreads Christ’s Second Coming.  Be in the Word.  Believe what God declared about you in Holy Baptism.  Receive the Body and Blood that cover all your sin.  The answer to your fears and doubts is more of Christ’s Word, more of His kingdom.  His coming is only a terror for those who close their ears to His Word and look instead at themselves.  All God’s children need the constant comfort and assurance of His faithfulness to His promises in this world of sin and decay.  May God the Holy Spirit stir up your heart to be in the house of your Father this Lord’s Day being prepared for the glorious and joyous return of your Savior and Redeemer when you will be taken into the eternal peace and rest of heaven. 
