St. Barnabas

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St. Barnabas was a faithful servant of Christ who accompanied St. Paul on his first apostolic missionary journey. He saw the great work of God among the Gentiles as the Holy Spirit was given to those who believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He also was a first-hand witness of the sad reality that there are many who hate the Gospel and will stop at nothing to silence it. Even within the church false teachings arose and had to be resisted with the Word of God, as happened at the Jerusalem Council. In Barnabas, whose original name was Joseph, we see the fulfillment of Christ’s promise to remain with His Church always and, through the  Office of the Holy Ministry, continuing to proclaim the forgiveness of sins and to drive back the kingdom of Satan. Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement, in faith and thanksgiving, continued to proclaim the mercies of God to the Gentiles and though he certainly met great resistance, yet, he clung to the Lord’s promises, and through his preaching and pastoral care, the Lord brought many to faith. May God grant us the steadfast faith of Barnabas that we may in joy receive the salvation of Christ and faithfully carry out the vocations to which we have been called to the glory of God’s holy Name. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer