Tenth Sunday after Trinity

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Emotions aren’t bad things. Our Lord experienced emotions including sadness and anger. God does not require of you that you be stoic and unfeeling. But, those emotions, like all things, ought to be in service to both God and your neighbor. Christ’s sadness was not over personal loss or suffering. Rather, as in the case of His weeping over Jerusalem, Jesus’ sadness was over unbelief and the eternal destruction of those who rejected Him. Christ’s anger was also not over some personal slight. Rather it was over those who robbed others of the comfort and forgiveness of God and were instead trying to sell salvation. Thus, Christ’s emotions were never contrary to the commandments of God. Our emotions, on the other hand, are always tainted with selfishness and self-pity. We must turn in repentance to Christ and seek His forgiveness who pardons our sinful emotions not because we have deserved it, but because of His great mercy and love. Forgiving sins brings our Lord the greatest joy! I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer