The Fourth Sunday in Lent

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“Give us this day our daily bread.”  But are we really satisfied with daily bread?  Are we actually satisfied with what the Lord provides, even though, quite often, it is far more than simply enough to get us through that day?  We shake our heads at the Israelites who gathered more than God commanded and tried to hoard it for the next day but then we turn around and let anxiousness overrun our own hearts at the thought of inflation.  Children of the heavenly Father, why do you doubt God’s goodness?  Why do you fret over silly things like bread and clothes and gas prices when God has given you forgiveness, life, and salvation?  Do you think the one who gave you His only Son as the payment for your sin, will forget that you need food?  How silly!  The truth is that you will never be satisfied with earthly bread if your heart isn’t first satisfied with the true bread that came down from heaven – the Lord Jesus and His life-giving Word.  This Word alone sets you free from senseless worrying and fear because this Word alone reveals to you the Jesus who feeds thousands with five loaves and two small fish, the same Jesus who give you His Flesh to eat and His Blood to drink for the forgiveness of all your sins.  This is the bread that endures forever.  Do not be anxious.  Do not subject yourself again to the slavery of worrying about daily bread.  You are children of the Most High!  Come and sit at your merciful Father’s table and taste His great goodness and mercy.  I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Pastor Ulmer