The Fourth Sunday of Easter

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We’ve all heard it said ‘This too shall pass,’ when we are in a difficult season of life.  And the good news, for those who know Christ and trust Him, this is most certainly true!  Your times of sorrow will pass away.  The psalmist writes ‘Weeping may endure for the night; but joy comes in the morning.’ Trouble is not something that is far from any of us.  And, most certainly, none of us can avoid trouble and affliction.  Maybe you feel like you should be able to get it together or that things shouldn’t bother you so much.  Thanks be to God, Jesus never said ‘Just get over it.  It’s not that bad.’  In fact, Isaiah tells us that He was man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.’  Jesus knows exactly how hard and bitter this life is.  Things are broken.  The world hates Christ and His people and that is becoming more and more blatant every single day.  The devil and his demons are working feverishly to stir up trouble everywhere.  Expectation of what we are to stuff into one day are running at a fevered pitch, leaving us defeated and demoralized at the end of the day.  Can there be joy?  Yes.  Strip everything away and let your ears drink in Jesus’ words.  ‘You have sorrow now.  But your sorrow will turn to joy.’  That is a promise of God to you, His dear child.  Your sorrow, whatever it may be, has its end.  And its end is the joy of Christ.  Certainly, we await that joyous day when our Lord returns and takes away all reason for sorrow.  But even now, Christ stands in the midst of His children and speaks words of hope and peace and joy into our hearts so that we may be refreshed; so that we may enjoy a foretaste of the joy that awaits us in eternity.  Christ is risen!  Sin and death are defeated!  The enemies of God and His people are vanquished, even if they don’t believe it.  There is joy.  Your suffering and sorrow are not in vain nor are they hidden from God.  That is why He bids you to come into His presence, to come to church, and be refreshed and restored, to be reminded that your sorrow will indeed have its end…forever.  I look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday.

Pastor Ulmer