The Resurrection of our Lord, Easter Sunday

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Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! This is the day of days, when Christ burst forth from the grave, having trampled sin and death forever under His pierced feet. The light of this day is given to shine into the darkness of whatever now afflicts and troubles you to assure you that because of Jesus, you are the victor over it all. Your sorrows and suffering are no more permanent than Jesus’ tomb. There is no darkness in this eternal day. There is only Jesus filling you with His life and peace and goodness. The risen Jesus who was crucified is the reality and truth that governs all things in heaven and on earth, all things visible and invisible. When all feels hopeless, when despair creeps into your heart, when it seems as though everything is set against you, remember that Jesus is risen from the dead. His sacrifice, His Blood have vanquished all your enemies. They WILL NOT, they cannot overcome you because they cannot overcome Him. You belong to Him. You are Baptized. All that is true of the risen Jesus is true of you because you are in Him and He in you. Let this be your comfort and your trust. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer