The Third Sunday in Advent

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The strongest faith in Christ isn’t the one that doesn’t need more Christ but constantly cries out for more Christ – more assurance, more promises, more forgiveness.  John the Baptist was a man of great faith.  That, at least in part, is exactly why he sent his disciples to confirm with Jesus that He was in fact the promised Christ.  We can often obsess about the strength of our faith.  Well, do you hunger and thirst for Jesus and His righteousness?  Do you believe His promises of life and salvation?  Do you desire to receive the Holy Sacrament of His Body and Blood?  That is the definition of faith – trusting in that which Christ gives and says.  But if you have no hunger or thirst, if you don’t desire to hear His life-giving Word, if your conscience is untroubled by going without the Holy Sacraments which your Savior gives you then you need to be very concerned.  That is not faith.  That is unbelief gaining the upper-hand in your heart.  That is the devil stilling your conscience and drawing you away from Christ.  Faith cannot exist in the absence of the Means of Grace which Christ has instituted and ordained for the creation and strengthening of faith.  Tend to the faith once given you in the font.  Gather with your brothers and sisters in Christ that, like John the Baptist, your faith may be strengthened to endure the battles and trials you daily face.  I look forward to seeing each of you tomorrow. 
