Third Sunday after the Epiphany

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We talk often about God’s Word but it is good for us to really stop and meditate on the power of God’s Word.  When the centurion desires Jesus’ help with his sick servant, he confesses confidence that Jesus’ Word is sufficient.  He doesn’t count himself worthy to have Jesus present in his house but he knows that Jesus doesn’t need to be present in order to heal his servant.  Jesus’ Word is enough.  The centurion confessed rightly that Jesus’ Word has authority even over disease and death.  We do well to remember this.  It is by His Word that Jesus continues to work out our salvation.  He bestows His forgiveness through His Word.  He proclaims divine truth through His Word.  He desires to deal with us only through His Word and the Holy Sacraments (which, themselves, are beneficial because of His Word).  Whenever we hear Holy Scripture or the faithful proclamation of God’s servants, we have the promise and assurance that that Word will do exactly what it says.  The Holy Spirit promises to always be at work in the Word comforting, strengthening, teaching, and warning.  May God the Holy Spirit grant us a true hunger for and confidence in the Word of God that our desire is always to hear it wherever it is proclaimed in truth and purity.  I look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday. 
