Transfiguration of Our Lord

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In the midst of darkness and affliction we need encouragement. That is what our Lord granted to Peter, James, and John when He was transfigured before them and conversed with Moses and Elijah. They were about to see Jesus treated shamefully, falsely accused of terrible things, and crucified. It would have been very easy to lose heart and faith. But they saw again that Jesus is truly God’s Son and that God is pleased with everything that Christ had said, had done, and was about to do, including dying. This Jesus was the very Messiah that Moses, Elijah, and all the saints had been longing for. Jesus is the Messiah that Moses, Elijah, and all the other prophets had proclaimed to God’s people. And now we are likewise strengthened and encouraged by the witness of these three men whose faith in the Scriptures was confirmed. They have seen with their own eyes and testified to us that indeed, Jesus is God’s beloved Son and that He has graciously delivered us from sin and death.
