Upcoming Sunday (3/29/20)

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Because many of the recommended precautions are either the same or have grown even more restrictive, the Divine Service at Faith – Wylie will be conducted in the same manner as last week. A small group of essential personnel will gather at the church and the entire service will be live-streamed across both Facebook and YouTube for everyone to follow. The bulletin has been emailed out and will be posted on both platforms. (A suggestion was made that you can pull up the bulletin on your phone while you watch on your computer or television.)

We ask that anyone who desires to come receive Holy Communion as a household after the Divine Service email the church, comment on this post, or text the pastor to let us know how many communicants will be coming. An usher will invite in one household at a time to commune in the narthex and once they have left, the next household will be invited in. Between each household, the pastor will clean his hands in a disinfecting solution and the communion vessels will be thoroughly washed. The words instituting the Sacrament will be spoken over unconsecrated elements in the hearing of each household. Communicants are to receive the Body of Christ in their hands rather than directly than their mouths

Please note that during the full Divine Service, everyone in the building will be taking all the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. Everyone will be maintaining safe distances from one another. A very limited number of people will come to the rail and will stand and receive the Body of Christ in their hands. The purificators used to cleanse the chalice, for those desiring to receive it, will be soaked in a strong alcohol solution and be used to wipe the cup between communicants. The offering plate will be placed in the narthex and not passed among the congregation.

As before, if needed, any family wishing to receive Holy Communion at another time during is welcome to contact the church office and schedule with the pastor.

Christ’s peace to you all.